Sunny Boy *Sunny Boy
Buckskin stallion f. 1995, SE 19-95-0020.
Breeder: Britt Sörqvist, Sweden.
Owner: Pytec AB, Sweden.
Sire: *JC's Joker, ABC 512(f)
Dam: *Col's Two Boots, ABC 1470(f)
Pedigree at
Sunny Boy is the highest inspection scoring Curly stallion in Sweden, with 40 points at halter and 44 points at the riding test. He is also very gentle and good natured. Excellent curl and an abundance of mane and tail.
Inspection results
Height at the wither: 151 cm (14.3+hh)
Conformation and movements shown in hand
Scoring (0-10)
Type: 9
Head, neck, body: 8
Legs and correctness of movements: 8
Walk: 8
Trot: 7
Total: 40
Harmonic built stallion of good breed type. Beautiful head. Long, somewhat wide connected neck. Long shoulder, good depth. Well shaped croup. Leg conformation well set from the side, well marked joints, somewhat toe narrow in front. Rhytmic, energetic walk with good mecanics, could have been somewhat longer. Good rythm in trot, but short.
Health state
Stallion shown with no significant veterinary comments
Performance record
The stallion has completed an approved performance test in 1999 with the scores: 9-9-8-9-9=44, average 8.8 points
The stallion is inspected and approved according to breed specific requirements.
Classified in the breeding value class I

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