We got a new Miniature / Curly Foal in August 2022

See our stallion!
American Curly Horse
We have an allergy friendly farm where the only animals are hypoallergenic horses + hypoallergenic Standard Poodles and one hypoallergenic Siberican cat!
We are the first Curly breeders and the first Fox Trotter breeders in Norway. We have also Curly Ponies!

Are you allergic to horses? Here you can test your allergy.
Come on a cart drive, and experience the ultimate friendly and human seeking Curly temperament.
Children up to 30 kg can also ride on our pony.

Want a Curly? Contact us, we can help you finding the right one.
We have been one of the largest Gaited Curly breeders in Europe.
We have exported twentyfive horses, there are/have been Curlies from us in nine countries all over Europe.
We know most of the Curlies for sale in Europe and very many in USA/Canada.
Visit our other pages by clicking the links on the top

(if the links are not visible, scroll down on the top frame).

See pics from our riding trips!

Contact Lene Krone at: Lene@curly.no or phone: 0047 33051422 / 93803906.
Visiting address: Hvittingfossveien 373, NO-3089 Holmestrand, Norway

Road description

See our mares!


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