We were Europe's first breeder of gaited curlies with two gaited curly foals already the first foal
crop in 2001. At one time we were Europe's largest breeder of gaited curlies, with five
gaited curly broodmares. We have gotten twelve gaited foals and ten non-gaited foals.
In addition to this we have also invested in a curly pony breeding program since 2003 and are expecting pony foal number ten.
However illness forced us two size down. We currenly have to Curly Pony mares, one large Gaited Curly Stallion and one Miniature Stallion.
*Pennsylvania Dream
Flaxen sorrel mare, f. 30. July 2008.
Sire: *Pirate's Little Buccaneer EB
Dam: *Sweet Pea
For pedigree, go to:
Penny's pedigree at allbreedpedigree.com, or
Penny's pedigree at curlyhorses.info
In 2003 I was searching high and low in the whole North America for a suitable curly pony mare.
Not an easy task because small curly ponies are very rare. Finally I found *Sweet Pea in Missouri.
I arranged to send her a day's trip to breed to a suitable curly pony stallion,
and back again when she had become pregnant. The same fall she arrived in Norway.
The result of the breeding was *Dakota Dream, who we sold to Great Britain, and she is now in France.
But, since there did not exist any small enough curly stallion in Europe,
I was unable to have Sweet Pea bred again.
It should take a few more years before we jumped into it and invested in the USA stallion
Pirate's Little Buccaneer EB in 2007.
Where am I heading with this story you are thinking now?
Well, five years waiting and a few hundred thousand kroner invested in curly ponies (import, raising/care, USA trips)
have culminated in a wonderful result, namely *Pennsylvania Dream who was foaled in 2008.
Penny and her younger full sister, Carolina Dream, were att the time the smallest curly pony foals born in Europe and
probably the smallest curly-to-curly bred ponies in the world, together with their dam Sweet Pea.
Penny is very gentle and has grown up with my son who was just a baby when Penny was born,
I was never afraid for him to be around her. Penny is trained to drive and is used for giving kids pony rides as well.
Penny is a fun pony wanting to be in the middle of whatever happens.
Penny is flaxen sorrel of color. She also carries a gene for agouti (bay)(50% chance on passing the gene to foals)
and she carries a gene for silver (50% chance of passing the silver gene to offspring).
This means that ifwhen she is bred to a black stallion, the foal may be silver black
(like Sweet Pea), silver bay, black, bay or red.
Penny is homozygous for curls! Which means that every foal she has will be curly coated.
Penny has been shown at official inspections for young horses both as a yearling and as a two year old
and obtained the grade "Ribbon" both times. Aa an adult she has been shown at Official Mare Inspection and
obtained a 2nd Premium Grade, including approved driving test.
More info and lots of newer pictures of Penny here: Penny's facebook album
*Montana Dream
. Flaxen sorrel filly, f. 22. July 2020. . Sire:*Festus Emilia Dam: *Pennsylvania Dream . For pedigree, go to: Montana's pedigree at allbreedpedigree.com, or Montana's pedigree at curlyhorses.info . Finally, six years after starting the curly miniature program, we have our first filly! Montana is a very curly chestnut hypoallergenic horse foaled 22th July 2020. . Expected height 85-90 cm at the withers. A rare find for a Miniature Curly breeding program. For serious breeder who wishes to breed hypoallergenic miniatures and ponies. Siblings are sold to kindergarten farms with allergics and for use as therapy horse. . Montana looks to be very well built with a correct conformation. She is incredibly cute and sweet and attention seeking. Wonderful therapy horse prospect. Will also suit well for driving. A brother is a kindergarten horse, give drives and rides to children up to six years old. . Raised on 40 dekar pasture/forest area. Dam has a 2nd Premium grade in Norway with the scores 8-8-8-8-8-8-9 and approved driving test. Link: https://www.facebook.com/krone.lene/media_set?set=a.10152504591190376&type=3 3 of 4 grandparents imported from America. Interesting Curly bloodlines from McKay, Bancroft and Bad Warrior. Sire is a black Miniature stallion only approx 73 cm tall. . FOR THE TIME BEING MONTANA STAYS WITH US. IF WE GET ANOTHER FILLY IN 2021, ONE OF THE MAY BECOME FOR SALE. . Montana is flaxen sorrel of color. She may also carry a gene for agouti (bay)(50% chance on passing the gene to foals) and/or the gene for silver (50% chance of passing the silver gene to offspring). She is not yet color tested. . More info and lots of pictures and some video of Montana here: Montana's facebook album |
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