Our Stallions

Since 2014 we have had Miniature stallions at home. Kawo's Yoga in 2014-2017 and Festus Emilia in 2018-2022. In 2024 we bred to Cremedela Flamenco Dancer AMHA.

Our gaited stallion *Idaho Dream
has been standing in Sweden 2013-2021 and back with us in Norway from 2021.

In the year 2014 we had *Asori standing for stud in Norway.

Asori bred Sonata and Sassey, who later was exported to Denmark. They both got pretty tobiano colts for the new owners.

In the year 2013 *Kansas Dream was available for natural cover in Norway.
Our mares Misty and Sassey was bred Kansas. Also a visiting mare, Xerxes Sitsi, was bred. The result was three wonderful chestnut colts, one sadly didn't make it due to oxygen deprivation at birth. Misty's foal is *Arkansas Dream and Sitsi's foal is *Silent Storm.
Our young stallion *Idaho Dream was breeding in Sweden, he got two beautiful foals.

In the year 2011 we had our 3 year old stallion *Kentucky Dream for use on our own mares.
Sonata got a great palomino curly filly called *Alaska Dream and Fire got a sorrel sabino curly colt called *Red Cloud.
We also sent Queen to Germany to the Curly MFTHBA reg. stallion *ZGC Durango and got a fantastic black sabino curly filly called *Utah Dream.

Our young stallion *Idaho Dream was leased to Denmark, and he has one gorgous stud colt on the ground there, called *Loke

In the year 2009 we stood *Prince Trevino for breeding
Trevino was approved at the Norwegian Stallion Inspection in March 2009 with high scores. He is a very naturally gaited stallion, and is most likely homozygous for curls. He is of pure Curly Jim-line and has an abundance of mane and tail. Add a very sweet disposition and flashy sabino pinto color, we have no doubt that Trevino is an excellent match for our mares and visiting mares alike. We got four exceptional foals, *Virginia Dream, *Tennessee Dream, *New York Dream and *Idaho Dream and our neighbor got *Lovely Heaven.

In the year 2008 the pony stallion *Pirate's Little Buccaneer EB (Bucky) was approved at the stallion inspection and licenced for breeding outside mares
Bucky bred our pony mares Pivi and Dakota for small pony foals in 2009, Pivi got the filly *Carolina Dream and Dakota got the colt *TH Dakota's Little Buccaneer in UK. Bucky also bred our large mares Queen and Sonata for large pony foals, and we got the two colts *Wisconsin and *Washington Dream

In the year 2007 we had two new stallions for breeding
The pony stallion *Pirate's Little Buccaneer EB (Bucky) gave us a great small curly pony filly out of Sweet Pea, *Pennsylvania Dream. Dakota was also pregnant but unfortunately aborted.
The gaited stallion Golden Gaits Walking Chaser gave us a pretty curly filly out of Sassey, *Florida Dream and a very gaited curlystud colt out of Misty, *Kentucky Dream

In the year 2006 *Wyoming Dream was approved at the stallion inspection and licenced for breeding outside mares.
We got a pretty filly from Wyoming and out of Sassey, *Maryland Dream. Sonata was also pregnant with Wyoming but unfortunately aborted.
*Kansas Dream was available on frozen semen.
*Cherokee's Navajo was inseminated and got a super filly in 2007, *Perfect of Norway.

In the year 2005 *Kansas Dream was our main stallion, leased from Sweden
Read more on his own page: *Kansas Dream
We trained Kansas to drive and showed him at the stallion inspection where he was approved for breeding and obtained a premium grade. We have collected and frozen semen from him so we can use that in the future also. Queen was pregnant with Kansas but unfortunately the foal was stillborn due to placentitis.
*DC's Windy was also bred to Kansas and foaled a nice stud colt in 2006, *Lovely Shadow.

The same year *Wyoming Dream was our junior stallion
We got two pretty fillies from Wyoming, *California Dream out of Sonata and *Arizona Dream out of Sassey.

In the year 2004 we had *Texas Dream as our breeding stallion
He has been shown and awarded a Ribbon as a two year old, and he has a fantastic gentle and calm disposition that is unsurpassed!
We got two wonderful fillies from Texas, *Hawaii Dream out of Sonata and Nevada Dream out of Queen.

In the year 2003 we had no stallion at home
We sent Sassey to *Sunny Boy in Sweden, with the result *Ohio Dream
Sweet Pea we sent to *Charming Jet Rock It in USA, with the result *Dakota Dream

In year 2002 we had *Cherokee's Black Hawk as our breeding stallion
We got two stud colts by Hawk, which we believe are homozygous for curls, take a look at Queen's baby *Wyoming Dream and Sonata's baby *Colorado Dream. Hawk has also gotten eight foals for Gerhardssons Curly Horses in Sweden.

In the year 2001 we used *Stormy's Northern Light as our breeding stallion
Take a look at his 2002 offspring *Texas Dream, *Indiana Dream og *Iowa Dream!

In the year 2000 we bought our first mares and had them bred in the USA
Queen was bred to *Sir Patrick MJT, with the result *Missouri Dream
Sonata was bred to *Kreskin, with the result *Kansas Dream
We sent Sassey to *Majestic Prince, but unfortunately she aborted before she came to Norway.


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